Kaleigh Killian
Algebra I
Algebra II
Honors Algebra II
BA, Misericordia University.
MA, Southern New Hampshire University
Certified ELA and Math in grades 7-12
Where are you from?
Wilkes Barre, PA
What brought you to CASA?
I was looking for a new job that put me closer to creativity. I feel like I'll fit well in this environment.
Where did you work and what was your role prior to coming to CASA?
I worked at Steelton Highspire High School teaching ELA, pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Personal Finance, and Creative Writing. Then I worked at Boiling Springs High School teaching Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
What is your connection to the arts? Or, how are you an artist?
I am a writer. I have a few completed novel drafts that desperately need to be edited. I also have been playing flute since elementary school, and I currently play with Keystone Community Band. I cross stitch and do embroidery too!
What do you hope will be your impact on our school community, students, and culture?
I hope to build strong bonds here the way I did at my other schools. I was well known as the school mom, and I'd like to continue to be a safe space, confidant, and cheerleader for all students!
What advice do you have for our students?
Work hard, ask for help when you need it, and practice your art every day!
Where do you live currently?
Harrisburg, PA
Who is in your immediate family?
Mom- Susan
Dad- Bill
Brother- Patrick
Partner- Claire
What are your favorite hobbies/activities?
Reading, cooking, and puzzles. I also love short hikes and exploring new places!
Fun facts about Ms. Killian:
1. I hate answering this question. I immediately forget everything "interesting" about me.
2. I can teach both Math and English - not a mix you see very often.