CASA requires students to have 3 credits of Social Studies for graduation. Social Studies courses are offered both live-taught and online.
Course Overview: This social studies class will focus on U.S. Government and provide students with the opportunity to learn about the government of the United States at the federal, state, and local levels. Students will explore the purpose of government and will examine how various governments meet the needs of the people. Students will examine the duties, responsibilities, and individual roles of citizens in a democracy, as well as prepare them to become contributing members of American society. This course is offered to students in grades 9, 10, and/or 11.
Units of Study:
Foundations of American Government
The Constitution
The Legislative Branch
The Executive Branch
The Judicial Branch
Liberty and Justice for All
Politics, Policies, and Economics
Cumulative Project and Citizenship Exam
Course Overview: World History is a survey course that examines the major events and turning points of world history from ancient times to the present. You will learn about the geography, societies, economies, governments, cultures, and interactions of various civilizations throughout world history. The class is taught from a conceptual framework and will use primary and secondary sources in order to help students acquire an informed perspective. This course is offered to students in grades 10, 11, and/or 12.
Units of Study:
Foundations: Early Humans, Cities, Societies, and Empires
The Middle Ages, 500-1450
The First Global Age, 1450-1750
Liberal and National Revolutions, 1760s-1800s
Industrialization, Labor, and Society, 1750-1900
Imperialism and Colonialism, 1760-1900s
World War I, 1914-1918
The Interwar and World War II, 1920-1945
The End of Empire and the Cold War, 1945-1989
Globalization, 1980s-Present
Course Overview: This American History course is designed to further your knowledge of our nation. You will develop an understanding of social, political, economic, and cultural experiences that have played a crucial role in shaping the history of the country and the globe. Upon a successful
completion of this course you will be better prepared to engage in civil discourse and fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship. This course is offered to students in grades 11 and/or 12, and is offered every other school year.
Units of Study:
American Beginnings to 1877
Bridge to the 20th Century, 1877-1917
Modern America, 1920-1945
World War II and Its Aftermath, 1945-1960
Living with Great Turmoil, 1960-1980
Passage to a New Century, 1980-Present
Course Overview: Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) is an AP course to prepare students for the APUSH exam. This is a college level course and as such there is much to cover both within and outside of the classroom. You will be expected to spend at least an hour each day reading and completing other assignments outside of the classroom in order to augment what we are learning within the classroom. You will be writing and becoming masters of intense multiple
choice, short answer, Document Based Questions (DBQs), and Long Essay Questions. There is no longer a push to cover an enormous amount of material but, rather, cover particular themes in history. This course is offered to students in grades 11 and/or 12 who meet the requirements, and is offered every other school year.
Thematic Learning Objectives:
American and National Identity
Politics and Power
Work, Exchange, and Technology
Culture and Society
Migration and Settlement
Geography and Environment
America in the World

U.S. Government
World History
American History
World Geography

Early American History
Early World History
AP U.S. History